EPS is one of Oklahoma’s innovative districts, serving more than 7,600 students in a supportive community of 50,000. District Administration Magazine named EPS a national District of Distinction for its unique and effective community partnerships. In 2014, we completed $99 million of renovations and construction across the district, including the addition of two new elementary schools. In February 2016, local voters generously approved a $90 million bond issue to improve school safety, add classrooms and build a new gym and fine arts center. Renovations and construction was completed in spring of 2020. EPS promotes innovative learning and the use of technology, offering iPads, Chromebooks and SMARTBoards. The latest bond issue provided 1:1 devices for all students. The district also implemented Aviation Instruction in the fall of 2022 and has seen such an increase in participation that classes are being added in 2023. With the help of a supportive community and foundation, Enid High students are able to complete an associate’s degree through Northern Oklahoma College with little to no student expense. The heart and soul of our district is our highly effective teaching staff and support team. Through Professional Learning Communities, they continue to strengthen instruction and encourage development – for themselves and for students. Our compensation package includes a competitive salary scale, district-paid retirement and fully funded health insurance, as well as other perks that make EPS a great place to work and to grow.
Application Instructions
Enid Public Schools has partnered with OSSBA to facilitate its superintendent search. Please visit www.ossba.org/enid for more information and to apply for the position.